The Mind Zone

How the voices in your head handle fight, flight and freeze responses

Tara Brach is a spiritual teacher who focuses on the importance of inner compassion and kindness. She is famous for her book 'Radical Acceptance' and her 'RAIN' (Recognise, Allow, Investigate, Nurture) methodology used for processing difficult emotions. In a recent youtube talk titled 'Transforming your relationship with Anxiety', Tara covered the ways in which fight,… Continue reading How the voices in your head handle fight, flight and freeze responses


Pregnancy symptoms nobody warned me about -the bad and the ugly

Pregnancy is a unique and beautiful time. Full of hormones, hopes, fears and preparation for the upcoming main event. The further along this journey I go, the more I think more should be done to prepare expecting mothers for what's to come. Here are a list of symptoms I experienced that quickly had me googling… Continue reading Pregnancy symptoms nobody warned me about -the bad and the ugly

The Mind Zone

How to reduce anxiety for an upcoming stressful event

Everybody has to experience anxiety-inducing days at some point in their life. This might be the first day of a new job, meeting the in-laws, having a difficult conversation or when big changes take place such as moving house. For me, the anxiety seems to start when the date of an event is finalised, I… Continue reading How to reduce anxiety for an upcoming stressful event

Food + Recipes

Healthier (and gluten free) pasta alternatives

I absolutely love pasta. It's quick, filling and works with most items in the fridge. It was a staple when I was growing up (I'm talking four times a week plus,) that I think may have contributed towards my gluten allergy/intolerance today. However, it is rather carby and relatively low in nutrients considering it makes… Continue reading Healthier (and gluten free) pasta alternatives

The Mind Zone

Polyvagal Theory – the real root cause of Addiction

"Trauma is chronic disruption of connectedness' - Dr. Stephen Porges In a psychological experiment conducted by Dr Bruce Alexander named 'Rat Park', rats were offered addictive drugs freely available at the touch of a button. Rats in group A were put into solitary confinement, whilst rats in group B were put into cages with plenty… Continue reading Polyvagal Theory – the real root cause of Addiction